Saturday, April 21, 2018

Here Are our Top Financial Concerns

Looking at the numbers will not make them any better. How do things look for you?

Financial concerns include:
  • Not having enough money for retirement
  • Not being able to pay medical costs in the event of a serious illness or accident ( this is a big concern for people living in countries without government provided health-care assistance such as the United States
  • Not being able to maintain the standard of living you enjoy today
  • Unable to provide assistance  for medical and care costs of you parents
  • Not having enough money to pay for children’s college 
  • Not having enough to pay normal monthly bills 
  • Not being able to pay rent, mortgage or other housing costs 
  • Not being able to make minimum payments on credit cards 
  • Not being able to make to make the minimum payments on your credit cards
  • Not being able to take annual family vacations

It's not money that makes you happy. It's how you use it. If you don't know how to use it you will never achieve what you value most.

Many people believe that God will provide everything that they need to live a full and rewarding life. Do you know anyone that recently got a cheque from Heaven signed by God.

Additionally, many women believe that a man (husband/partner) will provide for them and their children. How many women have been left as single moms all around the world. Some countries  around the world do nothing to help women collect maintenance payments from the fathers of their children.

When you see someone driving by in their new fancy car what do you think?  Must be selling drugs to be able to have the money for that car. Or do you think that you should meet that person and find out what they are doing to make their money.

Do you focus on the possibilities or the problems? Do you constantly complain about the bills you have to pay? Or do you whine about the cost of living.

You need  to adjust your mindset about money! Kill the poor person mentality - there is money available for you.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Can You Teach Others Something?

Yes of course you can -  you know many things in life


Here are some possible coaching niches to consider:

·         business
·         small business
·         entrepreneur
·         marketing
·         public speaking
·         personal image
·         public relations
·         writing
·         real estate
·         career
·         career transition
·         life passion
·         interview/job search
·         retirement
·         executive
·         corporate
·         management
·         sales
·         dating
·         marriage
·         divorce
·         parenting
·         aging parents/eldercare
·         grief
·         assertiveness
·         academic
·         admissions for college
·         teen or college student direction (or other age groups)
·         spiritual
·         inner peace
·         intuitive
·         religion (Christian, Jewish, etc.)
·         mid-life crisis
·         meditation
·         transformational
·         life-work balance
·         personal development
·         extreme self-care
·         organization/declutter
·         time management
·         financial management
·         stress management/relief
·         life skills
·         productivity 
·         success
·         performance
·         motivation
·         goal setting and achievement
·         health
·         wellness
·         fitness
·         holistic
·         raw, vegan, or vegetarian
·         addiction
·         weight loss
·         eating disorders

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Do you Suffer from Migraines

From the Harvard Medical School

 A new era for migraine treatment

Migraine is a common medical condition, affecting as many as 37 million people in the US. It is considered a systemic illness, not just a headache. Recent research has demonstrated that changes may begin to occur in the brain as long as 24 hours before migraine symptoms begin. Many patients have a severe throbbing headache, often on only one side of the head. Some people are nauseated with vomiting. Many are light sensitive (photophobic) and sound sensitive (phonophobic), and these symptoms can persist after the pain goes away.
There are a variety of migraine subtypes with symptoms that include weakness, numbness, visual changes or loss, vertigo, and difficulty speaking (some patients may appear as if they are having a stroke). The disability resulting from this chronic condition is tremendous, causing missed days of work and loss of ability to join family activities.
It is sometimes possible for people to use an “abortive” medication, which, when taken early, can arrest the migraine process. For many patients, a preventive medication can decrease both the frequency and the severity of the migraines. But to date, many of the medications available for migraines have been developed primarily for other causes: seizures, depression, high blood pressure, and muscle spasms, for example. Researchers have been working for decades to develop a “targeted” preventive therapy specifically for migraine, and now we are finally close to having an exciting new treatment.

What does “targeted” therapy mean?

Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is a molecule that is synthesized in neurons (nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord). It has been implicated in different pain processes, including migraine, and functions as a vasodilator — that is, it relaxes blood vessels. Once scientists identified this target molecule, they began trying to develop ways to stop it from being activated at the start of migraines, as a kind of abortive treatment. An agonist makes a molecule work more efficiently, and an antagonist blocks or reduces the molecule’s effect. The CGRP antagonist did work to decrease migraine pain based on certain measures, but there were some serious side effects including liver toxicity.
Back to the drawing board.

Monoclonal antibodies: Cutting-edge translational science

You have likely seen ads for monoclonal antibody (mAb) cancer and autoimmune therapies. There are lots of different types of mAbs, and while some harness a person’s own immune system to block replication of cancer cells, others stop a reaction in the body by binding to a target molecule or receptor and inhibiting it, thus preventing the reaction from continuing. The CGRP mAbs have this effect, and because they have a long duration of action (called a half-life), they can be administered much less frequently than typical migraine medications that are taken daily (with the exception of botulinum toxin, which is injected every 90 days). These new migraine medications are injected under the skin monthly, and have thus far demonstrated a statistically significant decrease in days of migraine. Four different drug companies are developing these new molecules, with two versions already sent to the FDA for approval.

What’s next?

If you think you may be a candidate for this new type of migraine medication, talk with your doctor, and perhaps ask for a consult with a neurologist or headache specialist who can help you understand more about the medication. Monoclonal antibody therapy is expensive, and there will likely be regulations about for whom s the treatments are appropriate. Much more research needs to be done about who is the best candidate for this therapy. But for many migraine patients who have not responded to the standard treatments, or who have had intolerable side effects such as cognitive dysfunction, low blood pressure, weight loss or gain, or other issues, CGRP monoclonal antibodies are safe and well tolerated, and are an exciting new development for migraine therapies

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Road to Financial Peace of Mind - by the Wealthy Barber

David Chilton is a Canadian author, investor, and television personality from Waterloo, Ontario. Today, he resides in Kitchener, where he runs his own financial planning business and publishing company.

Financial peace of mind is very important as people will spend their life worrying about money and providing for their loved ones. Here are 10 - Steps to help you have financial peace of mind. Adjust for taxes and other regulations as they may apply in your country.

1. Make tax deductible contributions to Retirement Plans such as  
     RRSP's in Canada and 401 k's in the USA.

2. Invest at least 10% of your income for long term growth. 
    Buy assets that will appreciate over time not "trendy" hot 
    tips of the day schemes.

3. Buy Mutual Funds or Exchange Trade Indexes rather than 
    in one or two stocks. This will spread your risk over more 
    companies and let you buy into shares you would not 
    otherwise be able to afford. Be careful of Mutual Funds 
    that they are well managed funds with a track record of 

4. Make a will and also prepare powers of attorney so that 
    someone can speak if you cannot. Don't let your estate to 
    fall into the hands of the government.

5. Buy enough life insurance to protect your loved ones in 
    the event that someone unforeseen death happens to you.

6. Make sure you understand what safeguards exist in the 
    event that you suffer and illness or accident that leaves
    you disabled for a lengthy period of time. Anything can 
    happen at anytime totally unexpectedly. If necessary take
    out additional insurance if you believe you are not 
    adequately covered by your government or employer

7. Real Estate is not a "for sure" investment. Put as much
    money down as you can to reduce your mortgage. Homes
    will require maintenance and upkeep and of course 
    property taxes.

8. You can have credit cards but be disciplined and controlled
     in how you use them. Don't use credit cards because you 
     have them. Is the purchase absolutely necessary?

9. If you are earning above average wages consult with a tax
    specialist before the tax filing date to ensure you are 
    advantage of all tax deductions available to you.

10. Learn how to manage your money as nobody will care
      about you and your money the way that you do. You
      worked hard to earn it "don't piss it away"  

Study this list and learn how you can create financial peace of mind

What Should You Sell? How About Selling People What They Want

There are all kinds of products and services in the market-place. To be successful, SELL what people want and not what people NEED...